
Sailing Voyages


For booking your Sailing Voyage with the SV Eye of the Wind, please send back the following documents (see the links for the pdf-files) filled-out and signed best by email:

  • Booking Form
  • Passport: send us a copy of your passport valid at least six months counting from voyage commencement.

After receiving your booking forms, we will send you the booking confirmation and invoice whereupon a deposit of 50% is due. The balance is payable until 3 months prior departure. If you pay from outside the EURO-zone, paying by credit card might be the cheapest option. But still we have to charge a non-refundable credit card fee of 2.5%.

Further Documents required not later than 30 days prior departure (without those it will not be possible for the skipper to accept you for the expedition):

For further details we refer to the Terms & Conditions.

Please note that on Atlantic crossings from east to west or west to east we will sail all day and night, service will be reduced and guests onboard are count as part of the crew, who can support the professional crew in all nautical duties, such as night watch for instance. By the time the sea can sometimes be rough a sufficient physical fitness is a prerequisite. Sailing experience is an advantage but not required.  
You will travel on a modern Sailing Vessel. Please keep in mind that safety first is the highest priority for all sailors on board. For this reason the exact route cannot be predicted and has to be adjusted by the captain/ skipper continuously according to the conditions - for the well-being of the whole team. Possible stops during the voyage will be a result of the route and the timing conditions. The last decision is in the hand of the captain. Depending on the wind, weather, and ship conditions the departure and duration of the crossing (including possible stops) may vary without any compensation claims from both sides. For the flight back please consider a time buffer of at least 3 days or buy a flexible flight ticket. 
On a crossing trip the vessel has to be sailed within a specific time frame from A to B. This means that the engine may need to be used in case of lack of wind. 
We inform you herewith that possible pre-existing illnesses have to be communicated before departure. The guest on board need to be in the condition to move independently on the ship in case of rolling conditions and if necessary getting into a rescue boat with no help. Access to the cabin will be through steep stairs or steps. Therefore please note that the captain has the right of not accepting passengers on board with no claim of compensation if the physical or psychological condition seems to insufficient or if previous statement were incorrect.