
Freighter Travel

„All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware." (Martin Buber)

Since the pandemic, there are only a few active routes left.
Unfortunately, it does not look as if operations will return to normal.

Belgium - Finland

8 day round trip
or one way cargo travel

Belgium -
Vehicle transport possible

from 600 EUR

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Netherlands - England -

Freighter round trip from
Rotterdam to Reykjavik

Netherlands - England -
Iceland - England -

from 1.400 EUR

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Germany - Spain - Morocco

21 day cargo ship round trip
to Morocco and back

Germany - Netherlands - Great Britain -
Spain - Morocco - Spain -
Great Britain - Germany

from 1.995 EUR

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South pacific Islands Freighter travel route with the Aranui 5

French Polynesia

Explore the South Sea by
mail ship aboard the Aranui 5

East Polynesia,
Marquesas Islands

from 3.020 EUR

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Freighter travel route New Zealand - Pitcairn

New Zealand - Pitcairn

Travel to Pitcairn
by Supply Ship

Tauranga -
Mangareva -

from 3.725 EUR

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Freighter travel route Germany - South Africa

Germany - South Africa

Travel with the Cargo ship to
Walvis Bay or Cape Town

Germany - Belgium -
Namibia - South Africa - Netherlands -
Belgium - Germany

from 110 EUR per day

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Useful general pointers for cargo travel:

Please note that being flexible is a big requirement when you are planning to travel by freighter. The arrival and departure dates are always estimated, because they depend on the actual cargo loaded in the ports, as well as the weather conditions. Up until a week before estimated departure it's unrealistic to give an exact embarkation time. As a rule of thumb, three days of delay per week of travelling are to be accepted.

In a world where almost everything is readily available in the blink on an eye, this demand for flexibility, this little bit of unpredictability, might just be one of the delights of cargo travel, as freighter journeys also do not start daily, but every few weeks or months.

Freighter Travel for everybody

Travelling by freighter offers a good alternative for people with fear of flying. They give an additional spirit to your sabbatical year or help people after a burnout, to get the required peace and quiet break. They are also great for everyone who prefers a more eco-friendly way of travelling, since the cargo ships move their cargo with or without passengers, so there is not much extra CO2 added on per traveler. 

Freighter Travel is a peaceful, stress- and almost jet lag free way to reach your faraway destination, finding your centre before reaching the shore.

Exploring the slow side of life with Freighter Travels

Freighter Travel are much more than getting from one point to another. They are offering us one of our most precious values: time. Time to rest, time to escape the stimulus satiation of our everyday life. Time to focus on the work on your thesis, your book, or any other project that is important to you. And Time to let go and just let be.

What is the attraction of the vast horizontal scape of freighter travel? What is the allured depth of the seemingly monotonous landscape of the sea on a Cargo Ship Cruise? The answer is as simple as it is deep: it is the switch from our fast moving daily routine to the unknown calm. Far away from phones and internet, away from time pressure and private commitments you will find a new tranquility. It may sound cheesy, but this stopping process of calming down is one of the first steps of finding your inner calm and balance.

Spending the days watching the horizon and oceanic landscapes creates an intoxicating, meditative feeling of freedom. Standing on deck helps you to let the wind blow all the worries of your daily routine away.

While the rest of the world takes part on the daily game of efficiency, speed and peak performances, freighter travel will give you an authentic feeling of the widenes of the planet. Slowly, destinations will come up and pass by. Travelling like this becomes an inner journey. Far away from everything we can get close to ourselves. Creativity is released and well-being improved.

Everyday life on board

Your well-being will be taken care of on board. Most vessels have their own gym and sauna, some even a swimming pool, and the comfortable cabins are often bigger and more comfortable than on a cruise ship. Most cargo ships only have about 3 - 5 passenger cabins, so it's easy enough to avoid fellow passengers if you want to.

You may spend your time reading or watching movies, sunbathing on deck, meeting for a coffee with another passenger or going to the sauna, to the gym or the swimming pool, if available on your cargo ship journey.

If you´re looking for social interaction, you will find it too. You can spend hours on the bridge and ask the friendly officers to explain the technical equipment, or asking for advice for your next excursion ashore. You may join the sociable cargo ship barbecue parties with the whole crew, which take place every now and then.

Stopover and Shore Leaves

Going ashore is a wonderful change during your freighter travel journey. In most cases the shore leaves will last about 8-12 hours, in some cases even up to 2-3 days, plenty of time for you to explore your surroundings.

Please also have a look at our cargo travel FAQ.